President Trump’s proposal for the United States to take over Gaza and remove some two million Palestinians who live there would unquestionably be a severe violation of international law, experts say. As further details of his proposal emerge, the list of potential violations becomes even clearer.

In a Fox News interview on Monday, Mr. Trump said that under his plan, Gaza’s Palestinians would not be allowed to return to the territory, a violation in its own right of an important principle of international law, as well as a component of other international crimes.

His latest comments undermine his aides’ attempts to walk back his initial proposal by claiming he was actually suggesting a temporary, voluntary evacuation of Gaza’s population — a scenario that could have been legally defensible.

“Trump is just casually making major international crimes into policy proposals,” said Janina Dill, the co-director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. “He just normalizes violating, or proposing to violate, the absolute bedrock principles of international law.”

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